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Steeped in Art
Written By: Donna Rhodes | Issue: Winter - 2023
For our cover artist Christena Brostrom, “cold and crazy” is a winning formula.
Christena Brostrom is one of those lucky people who happens to love her work as much as her play.
Maybe it’s because work and play are steeped in Art, with design, color, aesthetic transformations, making living space all new again, and, best of all, putting people in the midst of everything they love.
What a glorious way to live, both for Christena and for her clients.
But that’s not all. She also has a sharp photographer’s eye, which not only helps her nail photos of finished houses for her husband’s construction company, it also benefits her interior design creations (much of which is for private hoteliers).
And it often puts her in the middle of Mother Nature’s best when she, her husband, Eric, and two daughters, Elizabeth and Charlotte are hiking. In fact, that very thing, hiking, is what led her and her family to Highlands Snow Fest @ 4118 and Dry Falls last season where she captured a beautiful icy waterscape. It singled her out as the 2022 Laurel winter cover winner.
According to Christena, “Climbing down the steep hillside by the falls was super treacherous, because it was completely iced over. But we are determined hikers and climbers, so we negotiated bushes and icicles and slippery slopes very slowly.”
The slogan of the day became: “It was cold and crazy.” The girls’ hair and clothing were decorated with snow and sparkly, spikes of ice.
The Brostroms and their families have a history with Clayton and Highlands. Treks to Highlands were frequent. They now live in Woodstock, Georgia, and Highlands is a permanent dot on their horizon.
Another dot on Christena and her daughter’s horizon is competition dancing. It’s rumored that Santa is delivering just the right camera for such events, and the family can’t wait to get started. Christena says, “I’d like to expand that avocation over the next few years and make it a big part of our lives.”
Christena is available to shoot individual dance portraits. Contact her at (770) 519-5470.