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Summer Music Camp

Written By: - NONE - | Issue: 2019/07 - July
Highlands United Methodist Church is offering its Children’s Summer Music Camp from Monday, August 5, through Friday, August 9.
This year’s music camp will center around the musical comedy, “All God’s Critters.” During the week, participants will learn the songs and the dramatic parts of the show, culminating in a performance at 5:00 P.M.Friday, August 9, in the church’s Sanctuary; and Sunday, August 10, during the church’s Worship Service.
This free summer camp is open to children in grades kindergarten through six. Children do not need to be members of HUMC or any church to participate.
In fact, since the central theme of “All God’s Critters” is acceptance of everyone, regardless of their seeming differences, children of any faith, or no faith, are welcome to attend. Children do not need any previous musical or dramatic experience to participate.
Parents may register their children by calling the church office at (828) 526-3376 or they may sign up at the beginning of camp on Monday, August 5. Organizers ask that parents of children who participate in the program ensure that the children be available to perform in the pair of shows.
Children should bring their lunch on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday. The church will provide lunch on Monday
and Thursday.
“All God’s Critters” marks the 12th collaboration between HUMC Music Director Les Scott and writer Luke Osteen, with Christine Murphy serving as Camp Director and Jane Linebarger as accompanist.