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Youth Theater New, & New

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The Highlands Performing Arts Center announces the appointment of Megan Greenlee Potts as Artistic Director of the PAC Youth Theater.
Potts’ predecessor, Dr. Ronnie Spilton, now shares her time between Highlands and Savannah with her husband Curt. Potts has been Dr. Spilton’s assistant for many years; and has years of technical and acting experiences, including a bachelor’s degree from Ithaca College in Technical Theater
and Acting.
She has already initiated several new classes for the Youth Theater program − Technical Theater Lab Class (a hands-on class focusing on the use of lighting and electronics in theater); Acting 1 Class (studying acting techniques and applying them through monologues and scene work); Lighting and Sound Intern Program (opportunities to work with professional technicians on professional concerts, etc); Discussion Classes after the Live via Satellite presentations (concerning all aspects of the production by the The Met Opera and the National Theatre of London.) As always, the PAC Youth Theater program is open to all students in the Highlands-Cashiers area, grades 7–12, and there is no financial commitment for the students.
The 2017 Spring production will be “The Frog Prince” by David Mamet. Two school performances will be held for local students and three performances open to the public on Friday and Saturday evening, April 28 and 29 and a Sunday matinee on April 30.
With “The Frog Prince,” Mamet turns his considerable talents to the age-old children’s story of the prince who is turned into a frog and must find a pure and honest woman to kiss him of her own free will. The old tale is given a decidedly contemporary sensibility that appeals to adults as well as to children.
Tickets are available online at highlandspac.org, at the door, or by calling (828) 526-9047. Tickets are $5 for adults; students are free. For more information about the PAC Youth Theater program call the number above.
The Highlands Performing Arts Center is located at 507 Chestnut Street.