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Beer Tasting Workshops at The Greystone Inn
Written By: Luke Osteen | Issue: 2021/06 – June
The myriad flavor sensations of local brews are explored in delicious detail when The Greystone Inn offers its exclusive Private Beer Tasting Workshops. For more information or to sign up, visit greystoneinn.com or call (828) 966-4700.

Beer Cicerone Christian Schaumann
As I’ve written about so many times over the years, Lake Toxaway has always enjoyed a unique pull over the imaginations and the emotional well-being of those who’ve made their way to its shores.
Don’t believe me? Just read Carol Bryson’s history of the lake and its visitors on Page 148.
See? There’s always been a siren call to this lake, and those who answer have invariably been granted tranquility and a touch of Enlightenment.
Well, the good people of Greystone Inn have raised the stakes on their all-out seduction of those who’ve been wrung-out by the wearying demands of this second decade of a confusing and anxious century.
They’ve just unveiled their exquisite Mansion Bar, replete with all the right vintages, brews, and distillations, and a bar crew to bring it all together.
And at the heart of this new facet is Beer Cicerone Christian Schaumann, and his Private Beer Tasting Workshops, available for all weary travelers, whether guests of Greystone Inn or not.
“I’m really excited about this, and there are so many North Carolina beers that deserve to be showcased,” he says. “We’re going to be offering so many extraordinary beers that I’ve come across and will introduce to discriminating participants.”
Schaumann’s unusually deep pool of knowledge about brews and their magic is the product of years submerged in the arcane world of Suds.
That’s 25 years of experience, including 17 years of running his own brewery.
His workshops are open to couples and groups of up to 10, and cost is $100 per couple, and $50 for each additional person. They’re open to inn guests and those looking to broaden their knowledge of brews.
If you’d like to share a journey with Shaumann and discover the intricacies of local beers (with some standouts culled from other parts of the state), call (828) 966-4700 or visit greystoneinn.com. It’s Toxaway’s latest promise of rejuvenation and enlightenment.