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Dr. John’s Chutney
Written By: Jenny King | Issue: 2019/10 - October
Dr. John Baumrucker is a familiar face in Highlands. He started his medical practice here in 1971 and only recently retired.
That doesn’t mean he’s resting on his laurels. He started the Highlands Bolivian Mission 22 years ago. One of the ways they raise money is through the Highlands Marketplace, where Dr. John sells his own pickles, salsas, chutney, and stunning wooden pens made by children of
the mission.
For this month’s recipe, he’s graciously shared how he makes Peach-Mango Chutney. One caveat is that when he makes this, it’s in huge quantities, so you’ll need to play around with the measurements (unless you want to give some away).
“I began to enjoy chutney when I was in London as a medical student in 1969,” Dr. John explains. “I saw the moon landing on TV in the Doctor’s Lounge, as I didn’t have a TV in my apartment. I went to a lot of Indian restaurants while I was there and sampled my first chutneys.
“This recipe is totally different and is my own invention. I make about 20 pints at a time, but the recipe can be cut down a great deal, and I never measure anything, so use this as a guide
and be creative.”
Peach-Mango Chutney
10 Mangos
20 Peaches
2 boxes of Golden Raisins
2 cups of Sugar, White
2 ounces of Vinegar, White Wine Type
4 tbsp. Minced Garlic
1-2 tbsp. Curry Powder
Crystalized Ginger, about 10 pieces
Peel the fruit and cut into slices. You want to retain the fruit in recognizable chunks. Cook on low heat until soft. Add the vinegar to keep the fruit from sticking to the bottom of the pot. Then add the sugar, raisins, ginger, garlic, and curry powder. Cook until well-mixed and the raisins have absorbed most of the liquid.
Can in sterile Mason jars and place them in a hot bath for at least 15 minutes in boiling water.
This chutney is good on any white meat, chicken, pork and white fish, especially crab cakes.
Dr. John’s been told it’s good on ice cream and some have reported that it’s good on a spoon.