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Over-the top Delicious

Written By: Marlene Osteen | Issue: 2021/08 – August
The Farm at Old Edwards’ Oyster Fest, set for September 19, brings the flavor of the Low Country Coast to a tiny mountain community. For reservations, go to OldEdwardsHospitality.com/OysterFest.
On Sunday, September 19, The Farm at Old Edwards returns with their annual Oyster Fest.
Along the South Carolina coast where we lived for many decades, the season’s first oyster roast was a rite of passage, a signal that the summer folks had departed, and cooler weather and tranquil days were ahead.
My memory is decorated with the communal joy we year-rounders forged around the fire and the thrill of that first woodsy, smoky bite of oyster plucked from the grill. Pat Conroy describes the sensation best in the cookbook that bears his name, “As I bit into it, its succulence seemed outrageous, but it made my mouth the happiest place on my body.”
In-store for participating guests is a spectacular shindig, a scrumptious tribute to the bivalve. In fact, it does not seem possible to read what’s ahead for participants without feeling a formidable yearning to attend.
The evening will commence with lawn games and live music in The Orchard. Manning the bar will be Miles Macquarrie of Atlanta’s Kimball House and Watchman’s, stirring, mixing, and shaking the concoctions and cocktails that earned him a James Beard Award and a near-cult following.
Or, as The Bitter Southerner noted, “Watching Miles Macquarrie make drinks is like watching a highly trained athlete going through his paces.”
Yummy passed hors d’oeuvres, and an extravagant raw bar will accompany drinks.
Alongside grills laden with fresh, briny oysters roasting, Chef Brian Wolfe of Kimball House will be serving the seasonal delicacies that celebrate the Southern heritage to which he pays homage. Amping up the culinary wizardry and celebrity wattage will be Charleston Chef Sara Prezioso of The Darling Oyster Bar. Diners can expect a few of the sumptuous treats from a menu praised by restaurant critic Hanna Raskin of The Charleston Post and Courier for its “deliciously over the top territory.”
Still more pleasure and indulgence and fabulous things to eat will be at a dazzling array of food stations from the extraordinarily talented Old Edwards Executive Chef Chris Huerta. Guests can choose to sate their thirst from an impressive lineup of the highly-rated wines of the Francis Ford Coppola family or terrific seasonal beers from Wicked Weed.
Cost is $165 per person, plus tax and gratuity. You can book online at OldEdwardsHospitality.com/OysterFest. Please Note: The event is for guests 21 and older.