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Adventures and Art

Written By: Audra Bullard | Issue: August 2023
From the battlefield to the mindset of Georgia O’Keefe and even below the Antarctic ice, the Center for Life Enrichment is offering transport to a world of fascinating possibilities.
If summer temperatures have you feeling the heat, don’t sweat it!
The Highlands-Cashiers Center for Life Enrichment has you covered with the “coolest” programs the Plateau has to offer. Arctic adventure and wildlife, the inspiring art of Georgia O’Keeffe, and stimulating discussions about the framework of war are just a taste of all that August has in store.
“From Polar Bears to Puffins,” Monday, August 14, 2:00 to 4:00 P.M.; “Diving Below Antarctic Ice,” Tuesday, August 15, 10:00 A.M. to Noon; $30 members/$40 non-members, Presenter: James B. McClintock.
Join Dr. James McClintock as he introduces you to some of the Arctic’s most famous and fascinating residents in “From Polar Bears to Puffins.” This lecture will explore the impact of the rapidly changing environment on key species in the Arctic ecosystem. Catch Dr. McClintock again the following day for “Diving Below Antarctic Ice.” Feast your eyes upon stunning photographs of the spectacular world under the sea in Antarctica, while learning about the history of scientific diving. Dr. McClintock, Endowed University Professor of Polar and Marine Biology at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, has been on 15 Antarctic expeditions.
“Art History Lecture and Take-n-Make: The Work of Georgia O’Keeffe,” Monday, August 21, 1:00 to 4:00 P.M.; $70 members/$80 non-members, Instructor: Mary Cavaioli.
Embark on a creative journey with instructor and artist Mary Cavaioli. Draw inspiration from Georgia O’Keeffe’s art style and process to create your own, one-of-a-kind piece using watercolor, pastel, colored pencils, and a variety of other materials. Learn what made O’Keeffe’s floral and desert landscape paintings so unique. Mary Cavaioli is an award-winning teacher and art instructor, with over 40 years of experience as an arts educator.
“What Is a Just War?” Friday, August 25, 2:00 to 4:00 P.M.; $30 members/$40 non-members, Presenter: Peter Lindsay.
The Russian invasion of Ukraine has been widely condemned as unjust. How does said invasion, or any military intervention, violate standard ethical considerations about war? Join Dr. Peter Lindsay, Professor of Political Science and Philosophy at Georgia State University, for a talk on the widely accepted framework of the Just War Theory and discuss some of the current philosophical disagreements surrounding that framework.