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An Interpretive Bridge

Written By: Charlotte Muir - Highlands Biological Station | Issue: 2017/07 - July | Photograph By: Clay Bolt
Summer is in full swing at the Highlands Nature Center with day camps, special events, and our Zahner Lecture series each Thursday evening.
No trip to Highlands is complete without a visit to the Nature Center where you can take a stroll to the botanical garden and learn all about our local habitat.
The Nature Center acts as the interpretive bridge between the research conducted through the Biological Laboratory and the general public. One of the ways the Nature Center does this is through the Zahner Conservation Lecture series, free lectures revolving around the theme of natural history and conservation. These lectures are held every Thursday at 6:30 P.M. from July 7 through September 8. Lecture topics this month feature salamanders, the Highlands Botanical Garden, elk re-introduction, and the American chestnut. Zahner Lectures are a community favorite and a great way to get to know the Highlands Biological Station.
July is full of special events at the Nature Center like the Salamander Spotlight on July 5 and Going Batty on July 25, which occur at night and take you into nature to explore what goes on with these species after dark. Highlands is home to several species of salamanders and bats, and these marvelous creatures are very important in our environment. Join us for a short presentation before we head outside to observe them in their natural habitat. Please call the Nature Center ahead of time to register, and don’t forget to bring your flashlight!
For more information about our Zahner Conservation Lectures or the other quality programming at the Highlands Biological Station, visit our website: highlandsbiological.org or call us at (828) 526-2221.
The Nature Center is open Tuesday-Saturday from 10:00 A.M.-5:00 P.M., Sundays from 12:00 -4:00 P.M. and closed Mondays. The Botanical Gardens Trail is open daily until sunset.