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Bowl like it’s the Stone Age

Written By: Paul Clark, Big Brothers Big Sisters of WNC | Issue: March 2025
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Cashiers-Highlands will be staging its Bowling For Kids’ Sake from 10:00 A.M. to 2:15 P.M. Saturday, March 22, at Galaxy Lanes (347 Jackson Plaza in Sylva). For more information, contact Senior Program Coordinator Danielle Hernandez at cashiers@bbbswnc.org, (828) 399-9133.
Yabba Dabba Do!
Bowl For Kids’ Sake, benefiting local kids, is rolling back to a bowling alley near you.
Based this year on Fred Flintstone’s famous “Yabba Dabba Do” catchphrase, the annual fundraiser for Big Brothers Big Sisters of Western North Carolina, supports Cashiers and Highlands kids who need a caring mentor.
Bowl For Kids’ Sake, BBBSWNC’s biggest fundraiser of the year, is a blast! Teams of four to five bowlers, often sponsored by their church, school, or place of work, enjoy two hours of fun bowling alongside other teams and supporters who are cheering each other on.
Team members are asked to raise or donate at least $50 each. Teams raise at least $250, every dollar of which goes directly to programs, thanks to the generosity of BBBSWNC sponsors. Shoe rental is included in the event.
Create or join a team at the Bowl For Kids’ Sake website. People who don’t want to bowl can visit the website to make contributions, as can potential sponsors. Local and regional sponsorships start at the $300 or $500 level.
This year’s Bowl For Kids’ Sake theme is right out of Bedrock – Yabba Dabba Do! Bowlers are encouraged to dress like
The Flintstones or in any costume that evokes the Stone. There will be prizes for the best costume. Street clothes are also fine.
“Bowl For Kids’ Sake abounds in hilarious, friendly competition,” said BBBSWNC program coordinator Debbie Thompson. “It engages the competitive spirit, and the costumes will have you howling with laughter. One-to-one mentoring helps children and youth grow into successful young adults, and this event helps BBBS support that in our communities.”
BBBSWNC is always recruiting caring adults to be Bigs. Bigs don’t have to be perfect. They just have to have a big heart and a willingness to show up consistently for their Little (consistency is often what kids treasure most).
In BBBS’ site-based program, Bigs spend an hour each week at a Little’s school, helping them with homework and enjoying some free time. In its community-based program, Bigs and Littles enjoy an outing – grabbing a bite to eat, going for a walk, visiting a local place of interest, for example – twice a month. Program coordinators suggest many of the outings and arrange several more.
Learn more about BBBS of Western North Carolina at bbbswnc.org. For more information about Bowl For Kids’ Sake – and to register a team – visit secure.qgiv.com/event/bfks2025.