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Curling Up with a Good Book

Written By: Deena Bouknight | Issue: December 2023
It turns out the Plateau’s twin libraries are hotbeds of murder and mystery. But fun stuff happens there, too.
According to a report in WordsRated, the crime and mystery genres are consistently among the most popular, with iconic author Agatha Christie’s plethora of titles having sold in the billions – and untold number of readers checking her books out over the last 100-plus years. And what better time to curl up with a pile of crime and mystery novels than during what is expected to be a particularly cold and snowy winter season – according to the weather-wise.
“My all-time favorite mystery author is Dorothy Sayers, who wrote in the 1920s and 1930s,” shared Carlyn Morenus, branch librarian at Hudson Library in Highlands. “Contemporaries I especially like include the Martin Walker’s Bruno series, Louise Penny’s Inspector Gamache, and Andrea Camilleri’s Inspector Montalbano mysteries.”
Enough mystery and crime-related novels to last this winter season and many in the future are suggested by simply typing into a web broswer: fontanalib.org/genre/mystery and perusing the titles. Actual printed books can be reserved and checked out of the libraries in Highlands and Cashiers, which are part of the Fontana Regional Library system. Also, the libraries’ Libby app on a phone or other device offers thousands of eBook suggestions as well as audiobooks.
“Mysteries, historical fiction, and holiday stories are all popular at this time of year,” added Morenus, “but also craft and DIY books.”
“We see the same popularity in genres as Hudson Library, this time of year,” said Serenity Richards, branch librarian, Albert Carlton-Cashiers Community Library. She also pointed out: “We’ve started up our new Fiber Arts Club in November. It will run all winter, Fridays at 3:00 P.M. All fiber arts are welcome and it’s a place for people to share ideas, tips, and tricks, and pick up new skills in a friendly environment. We’ll also have our annual holiday book giveaway throughout the month of December. Kids can come in and pick out a brand-new book to take home.”
To make sure the Hudson Library stays open, even if the weather turns particularly inclement over the next few months, a generator was installed. “This will allow us to keep the library open even when the power goes out around us,” said Morenus, remembering how single-digit temps affected electricity last December. “We’re excited to be able to offer this to our community – a place to stay warm, access Wi-Fi, charge devices, and hang out when the weather outside is frightful – whatever time of year.”