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Flower Power
Written By: Kim Daughtery | Issue: September 2024
The inescapable charm of Dahlias earns them two days in the sun with Highlands’ Dazzling Dahlia Festival, September 6 and 7.
Labor Day marks the end of summer in most places, but here in paradise we save the best for last.
Flower Power will dazzle the Plateau on September 6 and 7, with the inimitable Dahlia acting as leading lady.
Friday and Saturday will see Highlands draped in florals, with music, nonprofits, history and art on display. All the events are complimentary, thanks to Highlands Historical Society, Visit Highlands, The Bascom, the Dahliabolicals, and the talented people who share their dahlias.
Highlands Historical Society and the Bascom proudly kick off the 14th annual Dazzling Dahlia Festival in style with a poster party Thursday from 5:00-6:30 P.M., where this year’s poster competition winner, Marina Tsatch, will receive her $500 prize. Enjoy lite bites, cocktails, and the opportunity to purchase a limited-edition poster of this year’s image.
On Friday, September 6, The Bascom will host the Single Bloom Competition – where trained judges award ribbons in both amateur and professional divisions. Flowers will be accepted for judging Friday from 8:00-11:00 A.M., $5 for one flower, with up to 8 blooms accepted for $20. Tim Wheatley of Mountain Diva Gardens will open the show with a dahlia talk at 1:00 P.M. The show will be open to the public till 4:00 Friday and again Saturday from 10:00 A.M.-4:00 P.M.
On Saturday the 7, Flower Power will rule as stunning dahlia vignettes will be all over town, from the Historical Village, to Kelsey-Hutchinson Founders Park, and Main Street. Vignette location maps will be available at festival sponsor locations.
Nonprofits will be featured in KHFP, the historical village will have story telling from 12:00-1:00 P.M., and then The Shedhouse Trio, a fantastic five-piece bluegrass band featuring Darren Nicholson, from 1:00-4:00 P.M. There will be food and docent-guided tours at the village, clogging and flowers and posters for sale. Experience the way things were at the historical village.
Steel Toe Stiletto will bring the fun home with the concert at KHFP from 6:00-9:00 P.M. This is a 10-piece dance band that will get everybody on their feet. Special thanks to the Dahliabolicals for sponsoring both The Shedhouse Trio and Steel Toe Stiletto, the music will be fantastic all day whether you like bluegrass or rock.
Winners of Flower Power will be announced at intermission, Best of Show blooms from Single Bloom will be recognized, and there will also be a drawing for the Take A Chance on History Raffle for a painting of the historic Prince House. Raffle proceeds to be split with the Boys and Girls Club and the PAC. HHS funds will fund the Shaffner scholarship.
Plan to experience Flower Power, history, music and the best of Highlands as you stroll town taking in the florals.
Please vote online for your favorites for the People’s Choice awards. You can also enter the Take A Chance on History Raffle online, drawing to be held September 7. For more information on Flower Power, go to highlandshistory.com.