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Ghostly Garden at Highlands Botanical Garden

Issue: Whats News
This Halloween season, the Highlands Botanical Garden will feature a self-guided hike showcasing handmade decorations by friends like you! The free Ghostly Garden kits will be available starting Wednesday, Oct. 6! Grab yours to help decorate the Garden.
The Highlands Biological Foundation needs your help creating a Ghostly Garden for families to walk through. This Halloween season, the Highlands Botanical Garden will feature a self-guided hike showcasing handmade decorations by friends like you!
If you would like to participate, the Foundation is offering free “spooky” kits for you and your family to make your own “Boo-tiful Bat”, “Ssssneaky Snake”, or “Biting Bear Skull”! Pick up and drop off your creations at the Highlands Nature Center by Wednesday, October 27th. Then, wander through the Ghostly Garden, if you dare, to see all the decorations from Friday, October 29th through Sunday, October 31st. The Garden will feature decorations made by community members during the 2020 Halloween season as well, so come see if you can spot yours. Costumes are encouraged!
To request a kit or for more information, call (828) 526-2623. While visiting, please wear a mask and maintain physical distancing from other visitors. Stay tuned to highlandsbiological.org for updates. The Highlands Botanical Garden is part of the Highlands Biological Station, a multi-campus center of Western Carolina University.