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Great Backyard Bird Count | Highlands Biological Station

Issue: Whats News
For more information about the Great Backyard Bird Count and ways you can participate, visit www.birdcount.org. The Highlands Botanical Garden and Highlands Nature Center are part of the Highlands Biological Station, a multi-campus center of Western Carolina University.
How many birds can you find from February 18th to the 21st? That’s the question the Highlands Nature Center is asking as they take part in the Great Backyard Bird Count, and you can join in too! This global event, now in its 25th year, invites people to spend time in their favorite places watching and counting birds – as many birds as they can find. Reporting these observations helps scientists better understand bird populations before the annual spring migration.
Up for an easy morning stroll? Birders of all skill levels are welcome on Friday and Saturday, February 18th and 19th, from 9 to 10 AM. Participants will meet at the North Campus of the Highlands Biological Station (111 Lower Lake Road) for an introduction to the Great Backyard Bird Count before taking a walk around the campus to find our feathered friends. On Saturday, guest leaders from the Highlands Plateau Audubon Society will take part in the count as well. These walks are weather dependent and masks are encouraged. Binoculars will be available if you need them. Register for one or both strolls at highlandsbiological.org.
Looking for a family-friendly adventure? Bring your little ones and complete a bird scavenger hunt in the Highlands Botanical Garden from February 18th to the 21st. If you stop by the Valentine Meadow (888 Horse Cove Road) on Saturday, February 19th from 1 to 4 PM, there will be a bonfire, hot drinks, and bird-themed fun for all.
For more information about the Great Backyard Bird Count and ways you can participate, visit www.birdcount.org. The Highlands Botanical Garden and Highlands Nature Center are part of the Highlands Biological Station, a multi-campus center of Western Carolina University.