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Highlands Easter Egg Hunt
Written By: Luke Osteen | Issue: March 2024 | Photograph By: Susan Renfro
Little ones (and the people who love them) are invited to Highlands Rec Park for the Annual Easter Egg Hunt, Saturday, March 30.
The Easter Bunny’s scheduled to lead an Easter Egg Hunt at Highlands Rec Park at 10:00 A.M. on Saturday, March 30.
“We urge our little hunters to arrive a little early, because we start promptly at 10, and everyone is charged up and ready to hunt as soon as the Easter Bunny gives the signal,” said a Rec Park spokeswoman. “We’ll make sure that the littlest basketeers get their chance to score some Easter Eggs, too.”
The annual Easter Egg Hunt held at the Highlands Recreation Park is on Saturday, March 30, at 10:00 A.M. The event and parking are free, so by all means bring your own basket and join the fun. Children from toddlers to age 9 are welcome to join the hunt and share the fun.
Highlands Recreation Park employees ensure that plenty of eggs are hidden and that all the children will delight in filling their baskets with brightly colored eggs and treats. It’s an exciting start to the weekend.