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Highlands On The Half Shell

Written By: Luke Osteen | Issue: October 2024
The Highlands Biological Station is once more hosting its Highlands on the Half-Shell, 4:00 P.M. until dark, Sunday, October 6. Visit highlandsbiological.org for more information and to purchase your ticket(s).
Newcomers to the Plateau or those just passing through may be startled to learn that Highlands, at an elevation of 4118 and hundreds of miles from coastal wetlands, is host to a celebration lifted directly from the bayous of Louisiana.
But residents and those in the know have made Highlands on the Half-Shell a red-letter date on the calendar – this year, 4:00 P.M. until dark on Sunday, October 6. And let’s face it – Highlands knows how to have fun, while at the same time raise money for worthwhile causes.
And Highlands on the Half-Shell is a prime example.
Over a Cajun-themed gathering in the Valentine Meadow (888 Horse Cove Road) at the Highlands Biological Station, attendees will have an opportunity to sample gumbo, jambalaya, steamed oysters, and more.
“Highlands on the Half-Shell is one of the Highlands Biological Foundation’s big annual fundraisers,” says Jamie Creola, the Foundation’s Executive Director. Attendees “enjoy a feast of Louisiana delicacies, mingle with our other wonderful community members, and show support for the Foundation’s mission of stimulating, promoting, and funding biological research and education in the southern Appalachians.”
Cost of the party is $150 per person, and tickets went on sale September 4. Visit highlandsbiological.org for more information and to purchaseyour ticket(s).
The Foundation is a registered 501(c)(3) and works to inspire present and future generations to preserve and protect the unique environment of the Highlands-Cashiers Plateau by raising awareness through experiential learning and free, public programs.
In the mid-1970s, the Station was acquired by the University of North Carolina and is now administered on behalf of the university system by Western Carolina University.
One of the core missions of the Foundation is to promote scientific research, and there is a long history of Foundation-supported research at the station, with visiting academic and college students involved in various capacities of projects and programs on the campus.
Plus, ongoing for the public – children and adults – are workshops, camps, lectures, tours, and more.
“The Foundation is dedicated to educating our community on what makes the Highlands-Cashiers Plateau so special, and fundraisers such as Highlands on the Half-Shell ensures that programs offered at the Nature Center can continue,” said Jamie.