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Joy on the Green

Written By: - NONE - | Issue: 2017/03 - March
One of the highlights of this summer is the always popular Joy Garden Tour to benefit The Village Green in Cashiers in July.
Joy Garden Tour is a biennial fundraising event for The Village Green with proceeds providing the funds needed to operate, maintain and improve the 13.2-acre park in the heart of Cashiers.
“This is the Silver Jubilee year for The Village Green,” says Village Green Executive Director Ann Self.
The Village Green was established in 1992 to preserve the legacy and enhance the lifestyle of Cashiers.
In celebration of this 25th anniversary, Joy Garden Tour chairs Debbie Bennett and Vicki Keller have selected the theme, “Deja View and Something New.” The tour will feature three of many favorite gardens from past tours and explore two new gardens. All of these private gardens are stunning and offer beautiful examples of mountain gardening
and landscapes.
Many exciting events, both ticketed and open to the public, will happen July 12-16. In addition to the actual garden tour on Friday, July 14, the festivities include a fabulous patron party, a design symposium, a unique boutique shopping experience, garden speakers, and a jazz brunch featuring original artwork created in the gardens during the tour.
Joy Garden Tour is named in memory of Carolyn Joy Dean who gave generously to help initiate The Village Green.
Tickets are limited and must be purchased through a mail order form. To receive this information and learn more about the events, visit villagegreencashiersnc.com and click on Joy Garden Tour under the Events tab or call (828) 743-3434, (828) 743-5191 or email info@CashiersAreaChamber.com.