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Letters to Santa at Kelsey-Hutchinson Founder’s Park

Written By: Mary Jane McCall | Issue: 2021/12 – December | Photograph By: Colleen Kerrigan
Neither a global pandemic nor their occasional random acts of naughtiness will prevent Santa from hearing the wishes of his dedicated followers.
Folks, Santa and Mrs. Claus have been very carefully following the trajectory of the pandemic and have decided that keeping Santa healthy for the big night is top priority. With great regret they have decided that Santa should not sit for photos this Christmas season but keep himself safe and sound at the North Pole.
In all honesty, this may be for the best because word on the street is that the children have been very good this year so his busy night will be busier than ever. More hours in the toy factory mean more presents to be delivered.
Santa holds a special place in his heart for Highlands and all the good children here so he’s a bit sad at not being able to see them in person but he and his clever elves came up with the next best solution. Children can still get their requests to Santa by visiting the Kelsey-Hutchinson Founder’s Park and dropping their letters to Santa in the special mailbox he had his elves install there. Letters to Santa should be addressed to 123 Elf Road, North Pole 88888.
Those enterprising elves surprised Santa and decorated his sleigh and left it at the park so that families can continue their tradition of having their family pictures made in the park. Bring your camera when you’re dropping off those letters to Santa so you can snap your annual holiday picture. (Hey kids, this may be your only opportunity to have your picture taken in the driver’s seat of Santa’s sleigh!)
Santa hinted that he might look at Facebook if time allows and see all those happy family photos so snap away, snap away, snap away all!
by Mary Jane McCall
photo by Colleen Kerrigan