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Magical Botanical

Issue: 2016/05 - May | Photograph By: Clay Bolt
The merry month of May signals the start of many programs, classes, and events for the Highlands Biological Station. We hope you’ll join us to welcome spring by stopping in at the Nature Center, taking a stroll around the Botanical Garden or signing up for one of our classes or programs.
Wildflower Whimsy is a two-day event taking place Friday, May 6, and Saturday, May 7. The celebration of the emergence of spring ephemeral wildflowers begins with a lecture given by Dr. Alan Weakley on “Plant Genealogy: The Origins of Our Southern Blue Ridge Flora,” and guided tours of the Botanical Garden led by our staff and other garden enthusiasts, which will be followed by a native plant auction and wine reception at the Nature Center.
Enjoy the spring evening with a wine reception, cocktail buffet, live music, and the lively plant auction. All proceeds from the auction of interesting native plants, generously donated by local nurseries, will go towards supporting the Nature Center, Laboratory, and Botanical Garden here at the Highlands Biological Station.
On Saturday, May 7, various wildflower enthusiasts and experts are leading hikes focused on finding these fleeting wildflowers from 10:00 A.M. to 2:00 P.M. Lunch is provided. Choose your excursion from a handpicked selection of favorite ephemeral locations to discover blooms in the Southern Appalachians. Tickets are $75 for members and $100 for non-members.
The annual Salamander Meander will be held on May 27 at 9:00 P.M. Bring your friends and family to discover the fascinating world of salamanders on this exciting night hike.
Weekly, themed garden tours will begin on May 30. Join us to learn about garden invaders — non-native plants that are hard to control.
We will welcome our first summer campers of the season on May 31. Each week throughout the summer we will offer camps for children
ages 4 to 14.
There is something for everyone at the Station this summer. To learn more about the extensive programs and classes offered at the Highlands Biological Station, visit highlandsbiological.org or call (828) 526-2221.