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Much To Do About Everything

Written By: Deena Bouknight | Issue: May 2023
It’s a Jam-Packed Calendar for the Plateau’s twin libraries.
Adult programs at the Cashiers library even includes gardening programs from the N.C. Cooperative Extension, according to Serenity Richards, branch librarian.
“Also, in May, we’re introducing a brand-new program called Toddler Time, each Wednesday 2:00 to 3:00 P.M,” Richards says.
In addition, the Cashiers library offers Youth Theatre programs through the summer months, as well as:
June 3: Dia del Nino (Children’s Day)
June 8: Waterfalls Concert with Bryan Heller, presented by the Friends of the Library
June 13-17: Bookstore Clearance Sale
June 19: Cashiers Kids’ Color Course (rain date: June 26)
June 22: Blood Drive 1-6 P.M.
Friday Family Events start at 10:30 A.M. each Friday from June through July, with the topics as follows:
June 23: NC Aquarium Star of the Show
June 30: Professor Whizzpop
Tuesday mornings at 10:30 A.M. are the STEAM programs throughout the summer months, and on June 20 and July 18 are special nature programs hosted by the Highlands Nature Center.
Wednesdays at 10:00 A.M. is Storytime, with special guests visiting:
June 21 – Balsam Mountain Trust, with turtles, snakes, and opossums; and,
June 28 – children’s author Ritu Anand.
Hudson Library in Highlands has a packed schedule as well. Carlyn Morenus, branch librarian, pointed out that Kids Zone takes place every Thursday at 3:30 P.M. Highlights include:
May 4: Program for kids with Patrick Brannon of the Highlands Biological Station
June 8, 22, July 13: 4H Extension programs for kids, such as creating fairy gardens, making butter, gardening, bees and other pollinators, and more
3rd Thursday of every month: Lego Club
Nature mornings for kids are presented by Highlands Nature Center; they take place Tuesdays at 10:15 A.M. And, Family Storytime is every Thursday at 10:40 A.M.
Author Susan Boyer kicks off the Books & Bites program on Friday, May 12, at 12:30 P.M., and the full Books & Bites series schedule will be presented in the June issue of The Laurel.