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Red, White and Blue-tiful

Written By: - NONE - | Issue: 2016/06 - June
Celebrate America’s 240th birthday in the heart of Cashiers with the Fourth Annual Fireworks Extravaganza On the Green.
The event will begin at 6:30 P.M. Monday, July 4, at The Village Green Commons on Frank Allen Road. The Village Green will once again create a spectacular evening for residents and visitors to the Cashiers area.
“This band (The Extraordinaires) plays all the classics with song titles from a wide variety of artists – everyone from Wilson Pickett, The O’Jays, The Temptations to Bruce Springsteen, Black Crows and Pharrell Williams,” said Ann Self, Executive Director of The Village Green. “Chances are you won’t be in your seat for very long!”
Food and beverages will be available for purchase but coolers are also welcome.
The highlight of the night will be the colossal fireworks display with music that accompanies the show.
“More than 500 brilliant pyrotechnics will burst red, white and blue across the Cashiers Valley night sky,” says Self. “What could be better than watching fireworks with family and friends at The Village Green?”
Many small towns and communities have cut or drastically reduced fireworks displays in recent years. In 2013 when the county government cut funding, The Village Green stepped up to ensure this would not be the case in Cashiers.
Still, the financial constraints are challenging. To safeguard future and even more amazing fireworks for Cashiers, The Village Green has a Fireworks Fund.
“Event-goers will have the opportunity to make contributions at preferred parking locations as well as the entrances to The Village Green Commons,” says Self. “We hope this grassroots effort will foster the spirit of community.”
The Village Green is a 12.5-acre park that was created to preserve the legacy of the bucolic mountain lifestyle. The Village Green is the beautiful, “green heart” for public use but relies on private funding to provide this exceptional venue for everyone to enjoy.
“Events like the fireworks extravaganza would not be possible without the generous support of our donors,” says Self.
For more information about The Village Green, visit villagegreencashiersnc.com.