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Reflective Colors
Written By: - NONE - | Issue: 2020/03 - March
When you encounter Kristin Edwards’ pottery creations at The Bascom and Easley an Artist, you’re struck by the subtle color choices, but also how very practical they are.
Of course, those colors are a reflection of the artist’s instincts and sensibilities, but the practicality is the product of Kristin’s own practical nature.
These works of art aren’t meant to be stored on a shelf – they’re cheerful servants made for day-to-day service.
“I love to make functional pottery,” she says. “What inspires me is making pieces that I know people will use over and over again and love. A coffee cup is nice to look at, but when you pick it up, feel the rim with your lips, feel how the handle fits in your hand, feeling how comfortable it is to you, that’s what I am constantly trying to improve in my work. I like to bake, so when I make bowls, casserole dishes or pie plates, I make what I like to use and hope others receive as much enjoyment from using them as I get from making them.”
Kristin began taking pottery classes in college, then picked up classes here and there over the years.
But The Bascom shaped this creative flowering that’s produced this extraordinary crop of creations.
“Since The Bascom has opened up, I have taken as many classes as I could during the summer and worked to improve my skills during the winter. I also volunteer at The Bascom making glazes, doing odd jobs, and being an additional hand at keeping the studio clean.
“The Bascom is a great place to learn pottery. There are so many classes you can take year round. It is so satisfying to make something from a lump of clay and see what turns out after firing and glazing. Pottery is teaching me patience and humility and to love the time I have to spend with other creative people. I find it amazing how we can learn from others from all ability levels. I hope to be able to continue my pottery for many years to come, and learn something new every time I go to the studio. My heart is happy when I am potting!”
You can view Kristen’s creations at The Bascom and Easley an Artist, 221 North Fourth Street in Highlands.
by Luke Osteen