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Reignite Your Passion
Written By: - NONE - | Issue: 2017/08 - August
Susie deVille, Founder and CEO of the Innovation & Creativity Institute, launched the Institute to solve a painful problem that the vast majority of individuals suffer from – the false belief that they are not creative.
Susie knows that creativity gone unexpressed is toxic – a slippery slope that leads to a closing down of mind, body, and spirit. When expressed, however (regardless of “quality” by anyone’s standards), there is a freeing of the heart and a connection to joy that is like no other feeling.
ICI’s workshops, retreats, coaching, and keynotes are a catalyst for inspired, creative confidence. With nearly a decade of creative leadership experience and a lifetime of entrepreneurial practice, ICI helps individuals and organizations reach their full potential by unleashing innovation, as well as by tapping into and expressing limitless creativity.
ICI’s first local program is a retreat entitled, “Inspired!” that will be held on August 29 and 30 at The Bascom. “Inspired!” is two transformative days of workshops and interactive experiences designed to expand your definition of creativity, reconnect you with the world within and around you, reignite your passion, and fall in love with your life and work (over and over again). The retreat workshops will be taught by Susie deVille and Knight Martorell, local architect, artist, educator, and consultant. Martorell’s undergraduate study in Fine Arts was followed by ten years experience as an art director, artist, and illustrator before acquiring his Masters in Architecture.
All participants will leave with a gorgeous, one-of-a-kind bag stuffed with creativity and artist supplies ($200 value). You may sign up by visiting InnovationandCreativityInstitute.com/inspired-2017, or by calling deVille at (828) 371-2079.
Susie deVille said, “Dylan Thomas described creativity as ‘the force that through the green fuse drives the flower.’ There is such a force deep inside of you, and I will prove that to be true to you.”
Each of us needs all of us. We need you to reclaim your creative confidence and uncover that spark that’s inside of you that absolutely has the power to move mountains; shift organizational cultures; solve problems; create new, innovative products and services; and disrupt entire industries. I truly hope you will join us at the end of August at Inspired!”