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Sapphire Valley’s Annual Outhouse Race
Written By: Mary Jane McCall | Issue: 2018/01 - Winter | Photograph By: Nick Breedlove Photography
Whatever else you do or don’t, please make sure that you join Sapphire Valley Resort for its annual end-of-the-ski-season Outhouse Race, an afternoon of wacky fun for the whole family.
What is an outhouse race you ask? Well, imagine watching someone dressed in a crazy outfit, climb into a decorated outhouse built on skis, sit on a toilet seat, and fly down the slopes, all while attempting to stay upright without crashing into the banks. That’s a taste of Sapphire Valley’s annual Outhouse Races, an event enjoyed annually by hundreds of cheering spectators.
Want to get in on the fun and enter your own creative throne? The entry rules are simple: you must register in advance and your outhouse must be five feet tall, be equipped with a toilet seat and toilet paper, and be built on skis of course. Beyond those requirements, outhouses are encouraged to be creatively decorated, and the more outlandish the participant’s costume, the better.
Past participants included themes like “Who Cut the Cheese?,” “Redneck Wishing Well,” and a clown dressed up in an outhouse named “Party Poopers.” Free to watch, the Outhouse Races are a spirited event full of creativity and humor. It’s an afternoon of fun you won’t want to miss.
The 2018 Outhouse Races will be on February 17. The afternoon starts out with a parade to view all the outhouses, followed by racing at 3:00 P.M. Details are available at skisapphirevalley.com/great-outhouse-races. All proceeds of the event benefit local charities.