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Sapphire’s Outhouse Races

Written By: Donna Rhodes | Issue: Winter 2025
With its reputation for rolling, rollicking silliness, Sapphire’s Outhouse Races has become a regional sensation. Join the fun on Saturday, February 15. Visit sapphirevalleyresorts.com for more info.
The 2025 Sapphire Outhouse Race is on a roll again. If you’ve not witnessed, ridden-in, or shoved at this competition, you’ve got to come see this year’s honey bucket explosion.
It’s like NASCAR on ice – well. more like a version of the Idiot-a-rod, where people push instead of dogs pull. Bottom line, as it were, everyone participating knows that there’s no shame in being number two, and this event is the best bucket full of fun all year.
Mark your calendar for 2025’s poo pourri par-tay bidet. (That’s might how you’d speak of it in French if you were a party-tooter and not much of a parlez vous-er).
It’ll be staged from Saturday, February 15, and the last date to enroll is February 13.
Registration is at 1:30 P.M. Saturday. Static parade (the viewing and judging) is at 2:30 P.M. with the races to follow in the Sapphire Valley Ski Area, 3:00 – 4:00 P.M. It’s $125 per homebuilt entry. If you want to rent an outhouse from Sapphire, there’s an additional charge. Checks payable to SVMA.
This quirky commodious competition will slide down the slope no matter the weather. After all – every day at Sapphire is a beautiful day in the valley. All commode captains agree.
Don’t forget the outhouse requirements: one hole, a TP roll, a sitting pilot, and an outhouse built around ‘em. Decorate your mobile potty as elaborately or as simply as you choose. Then, if you desire, hang one of those pine tree-shaped air fresheners, just in case.
If need-be, you/your team can rent a privy on site. Then ya’ll and your corncob quarters on skiis will go head-to-head down a two lane track against another outie, delicately put, flying forward while eating backwards.
Now, get yourself, your team, and your one-holer ski-daddling. Run, Forest, run! ‘Cause when you gotta go, you gotta go.
Contact Sapphire Valley for more information: (828) 743-1163.