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Serious Science

Written By: Charlotte Muir - Highlands Biological Station | Issue: 2018/11 - November
Every fall since 2001, undergraduate students pursuing a degree in Environmental Science or Environmental Studies from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill have been coming to the Highlands Biological Station as a part of UNC’s Institute for the Environment field site program. UNC-IE works with a network of six field sites, one in Thailand, one in Ecuador, and four in North Carolina; from the station here in Highlands to locations at the coast, each offers a unique area of concentration.
Each field site offers unique areas of concentration in environmental study and analysis. Students choosing to come to the Highlands Biological Station are given an immersive program of coursework focusing on applied study of the Southern Appalachian environment, with an intensive exploration of regional watersheds, hydrology, forests, and river and stream systems and their health. They also explore principles of conservation biology, learning to take their knowledge of a local environment and apply it on a global scale.
While they are on site in Highlands, these UNC students also conduct an individual research project as interns paired with mentors ranging from scientists to leaders in local government, federal environmental agencies such as the US Forest Service, and non-profit organizations. They also work on a Capstone Research Project, which is a collaborative effort between all of the students and two dedicated mentors.
aAt the end of the semester, each student and the group as a whole will present their findings to the public. This year’s event will take place at 2:00 P.M. on December 12 at the Highlands Biological Station’s Nature Center, 930 Horse Cove Road. If you’re interested in seeing what past students have researched, their papers can be found on the Highlands Biological Stations website at highlandsbiological.org on the IE Semester-In-Residence page under the Education header.