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Set Faces to Stun

Written By: - NONE - | Issue: 2016/08 - August | Photograph By: Maps Courtesy of Great American Solar Eclipse
If you’re a follower of cosmic events, mark this on your calendar – next year’s calendar.
The Highlands-Cashiers Plateau is one of the few places in North Carolina where you can witness an extremely rare celestial phenomenon a total solar eclipse on August 21, 2017. Towns in Jackson and Macon Counties are in the direct path of The Great American Solar Eclipse.
At 2:35 P.M. the disc of the moon will move fully in front of the sun, casting a shadow across the Earth’s surface. The sky will turn pitch black, the air will cool, animals will act as if it were night time, stars will be visible; such are the unique phenomena that make up a total solar eclipse. From Oregon to South Carolina, cities inside the 70-mile-wide path of the solar eclipse will experience darkness in the middle of the day. This is the first time in 26 years that America has seen a total solar eclipse, and it is one of the few that will sweep the nation from Atlantic to Pacific coasts.
According to www.eclipse2017.org, both Highlands and Cashiers will experience around 2:33 minutes of totality.
For more information on the Great American Eclipse, visit.greatamericaneclipse.com.