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Something to Howl About

Written By: - NONE - | Issue: 2017/05 - May
Wolves have been demonized and misunderstood for much of history. As a result, wolf populations have become imperiled.
The first program of the Village Nature Series 2017 will highlight the endangered Red Wolf. Many people are familiar with the Western Gray Wolf, but know little about the Red Wolf native to this region. Ben Prater, Southeast Program Director of Defenders of Wildlife, will present information on this threatened species at 5:30 P.M. Tuesday, May 30, at The Village Green Commons in Cashiers.
Only a few decades ago, the howls and cries of the red wolf could be heard in these mountains. Now, with less than 50 living in the wild, red wolves are dangerously close to extinction. For this reason, Prater cannot ignore the silence of these animals that can no longer be heard. He will share his experience in the effort to recover the red wolf population. He will also relate the challenges and obstacles to conserve this prized species in our area.
The Village Nature Series is sponsored by the Highlands-Cashiers Land Trust and The Village Green as part of their shared mission to protect and preserve the land and natural resources. The monthly presentations provide educational opportunities to learn about distinctive features of the area for residents and visitors to the Highlands-Cashiers community.
The free programs are the last Tuesday of each month from May through September at The Village Green Commons on Frank Allen Road near the Cashiers post office. For more information, visit villagegreencashiersnc.com or contact The Village Green at (828) 743-3434 or info@villagegreencashiersnc.com.