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Support Our Children
Written By: Luke Osteen | Issue: September 2024
You’re invited to an afternoon of snipping and sipping and supporting the youngest members of the Plateau Community when Highlands Community Child Development Center stages a Flower Arranging Demonstration at the Episcopal Church of the Incarnation at 4:00 P.M. Wednesday, September 18.
Highlands Community Child Development Center is offering a Flower Arranging Demonstration and Childcare Celebration at the Church of the Incarnation at 4:00 P.M. Wednesday, September 18.
Participants will enjoy a floral demonstration from Christy Curcuru from Growing Studio. Ms. Curcuru graduated from Rhode Island School of Design in 2006 with a focus in painting and sculpture. Her extensive training in the arts quickly led her to work with flowers and plants as a sculptural medium. Her floral styling has been featured in Martha Stewart, Vogue Weddings, Style Me Pretty, Southern Living and other online and print publications.
For tickets, visit eventbright.com and enter sip-snip-and-support.
If you’d like to help sponsor the event, email cmmuir1@gmail.com.
“It is almost impossible to believe that so much conversation and so much head shaking has gone on and yet the crisis around childcare, and the cost of it, continues,” says HCCDC President Cathy Manning. “Parents must have a safe, caring and growth-focused place to leave their children, so that they can have full time employment. Daycare centers have to charge enough tuition to pay reasonable salaries to its teachers, have educational materials and curriculum available for preschoolers and provide three meals per day to students. At Highlands Community Child Development Center less than 40 percent of its budget is covered by tuition. It all costs more than either party can afford.
“Childcare is not glorified babysitting. Academic and social benefits from attending childcare programs result in brain development in the first five years of life that can set the stage for future success. Without it, employers will find it increasingly difficult to hire the quality employees they need to prosper. Without it, today’s employees won’t be able to stay in the workforce and new crises will be on our doorstep much sooner than expected.”
Highlands Community Child Development Center provides affordable, high quality preschool childcare and early childhood education in a safe and loving environment for young children and their families.
But the simple truth is that it’s extremely difficult to operate a self-supporting high-quality facility without charging rates so high that most families cannot possibly afford them. In order to provide tuition money to parents who are unable to afford it, HCCDC relies on grants and contributions and events like the September 18 Floral Celebration.