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Totally Eclipsed at 4118
Written By: - NONE - | Issue: 2017/08 - August | Photograph By: Marjorie Christiansen Photography
The Highlands Chamber of Commerce has a full weekend of excitement planned for the much-anticipated total eclipse.
In case you’re unaware (really?) there will be a total Solar Eclipse on August 21. A total eclipse is extremely rare, extremely beautiful, and the bare-eye view of totality is absolutely unmistakable to anyone in the thin path. Around 2:30 P.M. on August 21, Highlands will enter the path of totality of the 2017 Total Eclipse and you need to be here to experience it.
Totally Eclipsed at 4118 is a four-day-long festival and has a bit of something for everyone. HighlandsEclipseFest.com gives a full schedule of what’s happening, complete with locations and times, so make sure you head there now to get an idea of where you want to be for this thrilling event.
Of course, the highlight of the festival is the eclipse itself. On August 21, you’ll head to Kelsey-Hutchinson Founders Park, at 10:00 A.M. for Yoga in the Park. At noon, the viewing party starts with a live performance by Tyler Kittle until silence in darkness at 2:30 P.M. At 3:00 P.M., everyone’s favorite band, Hurricane Creek, will play all afternoon.
The Literacy Council of Highlands and The International Friendship Center will be selling food and drinks and there will be eclipse-viewing glasses and T shirts for sale. If you want to get your glasses prior to the eclipse, go by the Highlands Visitor Center at 108 Main Street or purchase them from The Literacy Council and from other businesses in town.
It’s a busy four days in Highlands and you’ll want to get a full schedule from the Highlands Chamber of Commerce and Visitor Center or by visiting HighlandsEclipseFest.com. Visit the website for eclipse safety, directions, parking information, and other important eclipse news to make your stay in Highlands even more memorable.