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Village Nature Series

Written By: - NONE - | Issue: 2015/05 - May
Come gather on the back porch of The Village Green Commons at 5:30 P.M. May 26 for an intimate concert of traditional songs, ballads, fiddle tunes, and banjo selections from southern Appalachia.
This is the first program of the 2015 Village Nature Series. This month features musician-storyteller Bruce Greene. Greene is known worldwide for preserving Appalachian music and culture. He and Kore Loy McWhirter will perform in a relaxed, informal manner to bring the music, legends and history to life.
Greene and McWhirter have been singing together for nearly 30 years. They mostly sing a cappella in close harmony. Greene plays fiddle from the old-style tradition with McWhirter accompanying with the fiddlesticks, another old southern mountain tradition. His repertoire of fiddle music includes a vast number of obscure and crooked tunes as if opening a previously locked door to a room rich with old-time music that most people did not know existed.
“This is a rare musical treat that you won’t want to miss,” says Ann Self, Executive Director of The Village Green. The Village Nature Series is sponsored by the Highlands-Cashiers Land Trust and The Village Green. Each month, residents and visitors can attend a free presentation to learn about the natural and cultural elements of this area.
Other topics for 2015 include black bears, native plants and pollinators, insects, and heritage apples. The programs are always at 5:30 P.M. the last Tuesday of each month May through September at The Village Green Commons on Frank Allen Road near the post office in Cashiers. For more information on The Village Nature Series you can
visit The Village Green website at www.villagegreencashiersnc.com and click on the “Events” tab.