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Virtual Book Club: Highlands Biological Station

Written By: Luke Osteen | Issue: 2020/10 - October
Highlands Biological Foundation is launching a Virtual Book Club with an examination and discussion of Drawdown: The Most Comprehensive Plan Ever Proposed to Reverse Global Warming.
The Foundation Book Club will meet weekly via Zoom Meetings, accessible both through a device or over the phone. No in-person meetings will be held.
At each meeting, a leader will facilitate discussion about the category and any specific solutions they have a personal interest in. The leader will also introduce relevant current events, companies, and actions here on the Highlands Plateau. The final meeting will address any remaining questions, encourage reflections and feedback, and wrap up our discussion.
No prior knowledge about climate change, climate science, or solutions is necessary, and everyone who is interested is welcome. Club members should be familiar with the Highlands Plateau and/or interested in the impact of climate change and solutions on the region.
The book club will be using the 2017 paperback version of Drawdown. Copies are available for purchase from the Highlands Biological Foundation. Copies are also available through Albert Carlton-Cashiers Community Library and the Fontana Regional Library System.
For more information, visit highlandsbiological.org/foundation/events/bookclub