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Walks & Talks on the Wildside

Written By: - NONE - | Issue: 2017/07 - July
The 14th annual Mountain Wildlife Days, scheduled for July 14 and 15 at the Sapphire Valley Community Center, will offer opportunities for all ages to experiences live animal presentations and nature in a positive way.
On July 14, guided hikes to Whiteside and Panthertown will be offered along with a bird walk with a member of the Highlands Plateau Audubon Society. Prior sign up reservations are required by calling (828) 743-7663. During the afternoon, a special program for children’s groups will feature wildlife educator Carlton Burke’s “Owls –Masters of the Night.”
Friday evening will open MWD’s Silent Auction, with items on display in the Evergreen Room at the SV Resort’s Evergreen Room. The first presentation will highlight Christian comedian Geraldine Regan, who’ll bring to life her puppet, Ricky. In addition, bear expert and noted nature photographer Bill Lea will share insights regarding wildlife and the beauty found in our environment. Admission charge for adults is $7, with children admitted free.
Saturday, July 15, will open with Michael Skinner’s live raptors from the Balsam Mountain Trust’s Nature Center. Carlton Burke will again be featured with a variety of local animals in “Appalachian Wild.”
Throughout the day, silent auction items will be on display. Proceeds are designated for Mountain Wildlife Days’ Outreach which, during the past year, provided programs for schools and other groups in Western North Carolina. This is made possible by Items donated by local businesses and other organizations and purchased by MWD attendees.
On Saturday afternoon, Rob Gudger and his wolves will be doing a unique program centering on a National Geographic presentation titled, “Wolves, Wolf Dogs and Your Dog.” Mountain Wildlife Days’ most popular group, Wildlife Wonders from the North Georgia Zoo, will close out MWD with their “Animals from Around the World.” All-day admission is $8 for adults; children are free.
For more information on Mountain Wildlife Days go to mountainwildlifedays.com.