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Warm Up Your Swing

Written By: Danielle Hernandez, Big Brothers Big Sisters of WNC | Issue: June 2023
Big Brothers Big Sisters will stage its 10th Annual Croquet Tournament of the Plateau on June 20 at The Country Club of Sapphire Valley. To register or learn more call (828) 399-9133 or email cashiers@bbbswnc.org.
It’s that time of year again – Big Brothers Big Sisters of WNC’s 10th Annual Croquet Tournament of the Plateau to raise important funds for the mentoring programs coordinated locally and regionally to serve youth in our Plateau communities. Dust off those mallets and warm up your swing, because this year’s tournament takes place on June 20, 2023!
Money raised during this annual event helps community children by enabling BBBSWNC staff to recruit and vet prospective “Bigs’’ who commit to being a steadfast presence in the child’s life for at least a year. Supported by professional BBBS staff locally in each of the 18 Western North Carolina counties that BBBSWNC serves, these matches have shown that they improve a child’s success in school and in life.
As in former years, the Croquet Tournament (led and coordinated by Nancy Albers) invites players to register to play and attend lunch following the tournament. Not a croquet player? Folks who are interested in learning about the program and participating in the fundraising event may attend lunch for only $40. Various opportunities to support the program will be available during the event, including a program presentation, 50/50 raffle (bring cash to participate), and a menu of donation opportunities.
BBBS’ goal this year is to raise $15,000 to further its mission to create and support mentoring relationships that ignite the power and promise of youth. The Cashiers and Highlands program has more than a dozen children waiting for a Big Brother or Big Sister. Bigs spend as little as an hour every couple of weeks with their Little, just hanging out and talking. Some Bigs start out with their Little at school, during school hours. Some matches move on – or begin – as Community-Based Matches and do things like hiking, biking, getting a snack, or participating in other activities, many of which BBBSWNC program staff locally organize or have discounts for.
BBBSWNC has served thousands of children since it began more than 40 years ago. An affiliate of the largest, most trusted child empowermentorganization in the country (BBBS of America), BBBSWNC places the child’s safety first and works with the parents/ guardians to find a Big who will make a difference in a child’s life. Caregivers and prospective Bigs can learn more at