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A Look Into the Heart

Written By: David Stroud - Cashiers-Highlands Humane Society | Issue: 2016/04 - April | Photograph By: Marty Boone
Abandoned and left to die. Starving, lost and alone. Crippled by blindness.
How many obstacles must be placed in the path of a soul before they finally give up on humanity, and give up on themselves? But Paisley did neither. This amazing three-year-old Labrador mix was dumped on the side of the road in Glenville last August and forced to fend for herself. But her will to live, and her ability to forgive, were stronger than the cowardly humans of her past.
Paisley was extremely malnourished when she first arrived at our no-kill shelter. She was so feeble that it took weeks for our caring staff to nurse her back to health. Once we realized that Paisley was vision-impaired, we spared no expense to explore options to improve her eyesight, including taking Paisley to Greenville, South Carolina to be seen by a veterinary ophthalmologist. Our generous donors and supporters made it possible for us to provide Paisley with the highest level of compassionate care, even when the vet bills far exceeded $1,000.
Yet do not despair over Paisley’s blindness, for as any human companion of a visually-handicapped animal can attest, heightened senses such as hearing and smell help to dramatically overcome the inability to see. Paisley is very happy and quite comfortable within just a few moments of new surroundings, and she is as loving and affectionate as any canine we have ever known.
Paisley may not be able to “see” according to the conventional definition of eyesight, but this incredibly special canine can look directly into your heart and promise you a lifetime of unconditional love.
She is amazing and inspiring, much like the hymn written by John Newton:
“Amazing grace, how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me. I once was lost, but now am found. Was blind, but now I see.”
Established in 1987, Cashiers-Highlands Humane Society is a 501(c)(3) non-profit no-kill animal shelter that receives no state or county tax dollars, and no funding from any national animal organization. CHHS is located on Highway 64 in Sapphire, two miles east of the Cashiers Crossroads and is open 10:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. Monday through Saturday. For more information, please contact CHHS at (828) 743-5752 or visit us online at CHhumanesociety.org.