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Adopt the Pace of Nature

Written By: Julie Schott - Highlands-Cashiers Land Trust | Issue: 2020/05 - May
Ralph Waldo Emerson advised that we should, “Adopt the pace of nature, her secret is patience.”
Over the past few weeks most of us have had no choice but to change our routine, our pace of life. For many of us, it is not easy being patient but when we are still, we can learn and grow in new ways.
We can begin to notice things that we may have taken for granted when we were…busy. We can focus on the things that truly matter to us. When we slow down, we are sometimes able to see more clearly the things we love the most and the things we do not want to live without. For many of us, that short list includes the countless gifts that nature provides.
We all know that the Plateau is special for so many reasons, our many unique and wonderful amenities that all contribute tremendously to the character of
our community.
However, right now so much of what we enjoy here is on hold. Yet, in the stillness, have you noticed something? Our natural treasures remain.
Indeed, nature stands by us. When we are still, we notice that while so many of the things we have grown accustomed to have paused, we continue to have an abundance of natural treasures to enjoy on a daily basis – listening to the birdsong in our backyard, the sound of a bubbling stream, the beauty of wildflowers in bloom and an occasional bear. When we are still, we realize that the gifts of nature not only bring us pleasure, they sustain us by providing clean air to breathe, clean water to drink and healthy habitat for all of us who live here.
During your stillness, if you discover that our natural treasures are on the top of your “don’t want to live without” list, we hope you will join us.
If you are able, please consider giving generously to our work so that we can continue to preserve what matters to you. Highlands-Cashiers Land Trust is a nationally accredited 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that has been conserving our natural treasures on the Plateau for 111 years. Your support will make a lasting impact here and we need you now more than ever.
To learn more, visit hicashlt.org. Donations can be made online or mailed to HCLT, PO Box 1703, Highlands, NC 28741. If you have any questions, please contact Julie at Julie.hitrust@earthlink.net. Together, we continue to save the places we all love and need.