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Be Kind. Be Caring.

Written By: David Stroud - Cashiers-Highlands Humane Society | Issue: November 2024 | Photograph By: Marty Boone
Bless the staff, the volunteers and the sweet residents of Cashiers Highlands Humane Society.
We created a t-shirt in October 2018 after a catastrophic propane gas explosion did major damage to our Canine Adoption Center. Thanks to the superheroes on our staff, we never lost an animal during that tragedy. The shirt had a new logo on the back that read “CHHS STRONG.”
On a whim, I got that old shirt out of the closet in the aftermath of Hurricane Helene and I decided to wear it to the shelter. As the day went on, I thought about that challenging time when we had those shirts made. And I thought more and more about what being strong really means.
Times like disaster and recovery can bring out the best in us. And, unfortunately, sometimes the worst in some folks, too. Especially on social media where the “keyboard warriors” can type away to their dark hearts’ content. And then there are the inevitable scammers who crawl out from under the rocks where they reside to prey on the hurting and the vulnerable. In my opinion, anyone who takes advantage of the disadvantaged has a weak moral compass, if one at all.
In the days after the devastation from Helene, our staff was nothing short of animal welfare heroes, taking care of more than 100 dogs, cats, puppies and kittens. Even when their own homes had no power, no water, no cell service, they came in to work to keep saving the lives of the shelter pets entrusted to our care.
They are CHHS Strong.
Let us all continue to Be Strong. Because others around us, two-legged and four-legged, who have greater needs than our own, are counting on us to help.
Let’s Be Kind. Be Caring. Be Respectful. Be Patient.
And to all creatures great and small… let us please be…Humane.