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Fixin’ Hunger
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The Big Ol’ Mountain Country Breakfast will be held Saturday, July 2, from 7:00 to 11:00 A.M. at the Cashiers Community Center. It’s a great way to celebrate Independence Day by freeing yourself from worries about calories and carbs!
This breakfast promises to be the yummiest ever, worth every delicious buttery bite. Pancakes, eggs, bacon, sausage, biscuits, gravy, grits, coffee, and juice in a one-trip, mountain-tall plateful is guaranteed to satisfy the biggest appetite.
One hundred percent of the proceeds go right back into Fishes & Loaves coffers to provide food for the hungry. We, and those whom we serve deeply appreciate your donations. We enjoy giving you a BBE (Best Breakfast Ever) in exchange for your generosity. Tickets are available at the door.
Your donations also sponsor other wonderful causes like food-for-life food boxes for families (three cans each of veggies, meat and fruit, two cans of soup, dried beans, spaghetti sauce, mac and cheese, mashed potatoes, and peanut butter) and the Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners.
And don’t forget to mark your calendars for the Empty Bowls Soup Luncheon, Sunday, October 2, at the Zachary-Tolbert House Pavilion. After your big ol’ breakfast, you’ll be hungry by then!
For more information about volunteering, donating, or receiving contact Barry (828) 743-6482, Bill (828) 506-6170, Gordon (828) 266-3174, Larry (828) 508-0378, or Howard (828) 577-5100.