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Inspired by a Million Wreaths

Written By: Jenny King | Issue: 2018/12 - December
There’s a special place in heaven for people who give their time to volunteer. Phil Potts of Highlands is one of those people.
A fifth-generation Highlander, Potts has been the organizer of our local Wreaths Across America event for the last two years. It’s a huge undertaking, involving many people and a lot of fundraising efforts.
It all began in 2016 when Anne Tate of Highlands funded a trip to the Arlington National Cemetery in Washington, D.C., for Boy Scout Troop 207, parents, and leaders. As a group they participated in the annual wreath laying and it moved Potts to involve our local community in the national event which, to date, has placed over 1 million wreaths.
“After participating in WAA at Arlington in 2016, we thought this would be a great way to honor our local veterans,” he explained. “I really like WAA’s mission to remember the fallen, honor all those who serve and teach younger generations the importance of military service. I have many family members, friends, and local families I know are buried in Highlands. It is an honor to be able to show them the love and respect they deserve.”
Potts has been giving his time to other areas, too. He volunteers with the Twilight 5k and helps organize the Water Rocket Launch before the field games on July 4. He is involved with placing American flags on the graves of veterans on Memorial Day and Veteran’s Day, too.
About the December 15 wreath laying ceremony, Potts said, “We will be honoring veterans buried in Buck Creek, Clear Creek, Goldmine, Highlands, Horse Cove, Miller, and Scaly Mountain cemeteries.” They don’t want to leave anyone out.
To find out more about the Wreaths Across America ceremony in Highlands give Phil a call at (828) 200-9753 and make sure you thank him for his continued community service.