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Rotary Clubs of Highlands Demonstrate “Service Above Self” On Halloween
Issue: Whats News

Rotarians Fred Smith, Janet Wilson (merchant), Dave O’Harra, Rotary Club of Highlands President, Stretch, Cynthia Dendy, and Sherry Holt celebrate Halloween on Main.
Members of the Rotary Club of Highlands and Mountaintop Rotary Club joined together to raised funds for the Highlands Food Pantry by preparing over 2,000 hot dogs to give to hungry trick or treaters at Halloween on Main on October 31, 2023.
#2: Rotarians Bill Edwards and Mark Chmar collecting donations for
Highlands Food Pantry at Halloween on Main.
“This is always one of the most enjoyable evenings of the year,” said Rotary Club of Highlands President Dave O’Harra. “We’re proud that this year the hot dog give away will benefit the food insecure in our community. Trick or Treaters tend to be hungry AND generous! We’re grateful to the many Rotarians, merchants and community members who make the night such a success.”
Rotarians Zach Caxton, Barbara Lawrence, Mayor Patrick Taylor and Andy Chmar serve up free hot dogs provided by Highlands Chamber of Commerce/ Visit NCand raise funds for Highlands Food Pantry.
Rotarians also insured a safe evening by assisting Highlands Police with traffic control.
The unseasonably warm autumn weather lasted just long enough for throngs of approximately 5,000 Trick or Treaters to make their way down Main Street where festively dressed merchants gave away 500 pounds of sweets provided by the Chamber of Commerce/Visit Highlands NC.
Rotarians Doc Wilson and Lester Norris prepare hots dogs for hungry
Trick or Treaters on October 31.
The Highlands Food Pantry is operated by the International Friendship Center, serving Macon and Jackson Counties.
Contributions can be made on-line at www.internationalfriendshipcenter.com or mailed to 348 South 5th Street Highlands, NC 28741