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Who made a Difference to You?

Written By: - NONE - | Issue: 2019/10 - October
Next year is the centennial of America granting women the right to vote. It’s astonishing to think that this country was able to get along as well as it did for nearly 150 years without input from half its population.
If you’re a reader of Laurel’s ongoing Highlands and Cashiers History features, you know about the outsized role women have played in the life of The Plateau.
Take a look at this month’s issue, and you’ll see that women are still making things happen here, things that resonate in the communities now and far into the future.
We’re going to make 2020 The Laurel’s Year of the Woman, and we need your assistance. Each issue, we’ll be selecting a local woman (and that includes part-timers and those who were born here but are now living elsewhere) and giving her a chance to shine in our pages.
We need you to nominate these women. Send us an email by our December 1 (2019) deadline to info@thelaurelmagazine.com with your candidate, and give us your reasons for why she should be chosen.
Those reasons can resonate with the community or the world (perhaps she’s been at the forefront of an important issue), or they can be deeply personal (maybe she made all the difference to you or someone else on the planet and her generosity or wisdom or courage should be recognized).
We’re confident that our readers, who time and time again have proven themselves to be bright, and curious, and committed, can help us recognize these women.
Please don’t hesitate to fill our Inbox with your nominees (and yes, you can nominate as many as you wish) and help us make 2020 shine with the radiance of these remarkable women.