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You Will Make the Difference

Written By: - NONE - | Issue: 2019/06 - June
Big Brothers Big Sisters is a nonprofit United Way agency that specializes in supporting children who face adversity in local communities by matching each child with an individual mentor.
Through events such as the upcoming Fifth Annual Croquet Tournament at the Country Club of Sapphire Valley, the Cashiers chapter is able to provide children with one-on-one mentorships and opportunities they may not experience otherwise, such as attending summer camps and support in special circumstances. Last year, we sent eight children to overnight camp for the week. Their experience will be remembered for a lifetime.
The Cashiers Chapter is holding its Fifth Annual Croquet Tournament at the Country Club of Sapphire Valley on June 11. This yearly fundraiser has become increasingly popular over the years and Big Brothers Big Sisters of Cashiers is thankful for the incredible community support! There are many ways one can participate – play in the croquet tournament, attend the tournament luncheon, make a donation to help our local children or become a mentor!
Big Brothers Big Sisters is looking for active, engaging one-on-one mentors (Bigs) for children (Littles) enrolling and currently in the program. Are you that person? We would love to speak with you more about your interests and how you are able to help children reach their hopes and dreams! Your time can be either school base (about one hour a week) or community base (two to three hours per week). You really can make a difference.
For more information about how to become a mentor, enroll a child, to register for upcoming community events, or to sign up for the croquet tournament, please visit bbbswnc.org/ (click on Events for the tournament).