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I Aint Forgot You

Written By: Donna Rhodes | Issue: 2016/10 - October | Photograph By: George Masa
Taxation is an aggravation to everyone statewide, but it’s been a particular sore spot to those on the Plateau.
In the 1970s Highlands residents felt that their properties were being disproportionately taxed. To make matters worse, there was an inequity in representation, reminiscent of the Boston Tea Party’s slogan: No Taxation Without Representation.
Short of dumping oolong in the Cullasaja, Professor Tom Crumpler organized the Highlands Township Taxpayers Association to represent all taxpayers in the township. Road improvement, library services, municipal services, etc. were suffering from lack of funding. They didn’t want more tax to support these services. They wanted the county to share the burden that they felt they were unduly laden with.
So the Taxpayers Association proposed the creation of two new electoral districts. In addition, they increased the number of county commissioners from 3 to 5. Each commissioner would live in a different district. In 1978, against all odds, the proposal was passed and Highlands had its own representative. But it still didn’t solve the entire property tax issue. Taxes were so high some folks had to sell off part of their land just to pay their annual tax bill.
When Professor Crumpler bought Faraway in 1971 he found a letter in a dresser drawer on the property, which summed up the frustration of the seller and many of his compatriots. It was written in his authentic mountain vernacular and tone. It read as follows:
Dear Sir, I got your letter about what I owe you. Now be pachunt. I aint forgot you. Plees wate. When some fools pay me, I pay you. If this wuz judgement Day and you wuz no more prepaired to meet your maker as I am to meat your account, you shure would have to go to Hell.
Trusting you will do this, I remain
Yours truly, B
To learn more about the growing pains, losses, and gains of the region, visit Highlands Historical Society’s Museum on weekends through November or highlandshistory.com or emailhighlandshistory@nctv.com.