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A Leader of Never-Ending Enthusiasm
Written By: Mary Jane McCall | Issue: September - 2022
Stephanie Edwards is leading the Cashiers Area Chamber of Commerce into a dynamic future.
The characters of Cashiers and Highlands have been cre-ated and evolved over the decades with the influence ofindividuals who were devoted to community service. Inrecent years, both areas have seen unprecedented growth whichinevitably will change our character of place in some way.Through the enlightened efforts of many, including our twochambers of commerce, this evolution is being addressed onthe Plateau with proactive measures to ensure our heritage andquality of life are protected.At the helm of the Cashiers Area Chamber of Commerce isStephanie Edwards, a tireless champion, dedicated to a lastinglegacy for her community. She has a long relationship withWestern North Carolina, from escaping the Florida summerheat with her grandparents to bringing her own family to themountains as a favorite vacation spot.With a successful career in national public and governmentaffairs and travel and tourism, and local relationships enjoyedas a part-time resident, she was recruited 10 years ago torevitalize the organization. Her impressive professionalexperience and willingness to embrace a lifestyle change wereCashiers’ good fortune. The Chamber has grown to more than500 members and provides extraordinary leadership in businessadvocacy, economic development and growth management, andresponsible tourism.She’s appreciated among her colleagues for being a resourcefulthought-leader and effective executive who values inclusivityand partnerships. Dr. Pat Morse of Western North Carolinasums up Stephanie’s impact, saying that “Stephanie has beena true blessing to the Cashiers community, Plateau and to theentire Western Region of North Carolina. Not only has shetaken the Cashiers Chamber of Commerce to a whole new level,but she has also been a voice to area businesses and to the manyhard-working people who serve and support our community.Her volunteer service on numerous boards and her developmentof leadership development opportunities for the people of theplateau make her an enthusiastic beacon of light that shines onall of us.”Edwards’ abiding approach to life and work is all about build-ing relationships and exploring how they can create positivesynergy. Who would have thought that after working withformer Orlando Mayor Glenda Hood on hosting FIFA WorldCup and other Central Florida growth issues, the two wouldbe working together again to bring the Urban Land Institute toCashiers in 2022?Of her friend Stephanie, Mayor Hood said, “My friendship andwork with Stephanie Edwards goes back many years.She is anexceptional leader with the ability to connect people, thought-fully work to explore the right solutions to community chal-lenges and include all the voices necessary to make decisionsthat ensure Cashiers is the best place to live, work and visit.With her business experience, talent and commitment, plusnever-ending enthusiasm, Stephanie is the right person at theright time to lead our Chamber and community into the future.She is, without a doubt, a woman of great influence.”Edwards’ significant volunteer involvement includes theHighlands-Cashiers Health Foundation Board of Directors.As the founding chair of its Program Grants Committee,she worked to establish a generous and fair funding modelto supply more than $5 million for area nonprofit health andwellbeing missions.Government relations with elected and appointed officialsand outreach to members and other stakeholders consumeEdwards’ calendar. She was instrumental in the creation ofthe Leadership Cashiers program to develop civic activismthrough knowledge and networking and, most recently, theCashiers Community Collaborative to coordinate and imple-ment growth management priorities.Her core philosophy is to address community issues withthorough research, identifying beneficial best practices fromacross the nation to introduce to the Plateau. “Throughout mylife, I’ve subscribed to the adage, ‘Why not?’ if it’s meaning-ful and I don’t take ‘no’ for an answer unless there’s a goodreason!” she said.And, of course, Stephanie’s most valued relationships arethe most meaningful of her life. She and her husband, Bill,and their three sons share much love and laughter here in themountains and in Jacksonville, Florida, and across the US. “Ihave this very special opportunity to give my time and talentsto my community only because of my family’s unwaveringsupport and encouragement,” she said.
by Mary Jane McCall