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A State Of Mind

Written By: Lindsay Heller | Issue: 2017/04 - April
Through the ages, many branches of yoga and meditation have developed and from those branches various styles have been established. The science of yoga offers bodily cleansing techniques and guidelines for how we expend our energy through behaviors and thoughts, offering many ways to center the mind in focus. Vipassana meditation is one example. Unlike other mediations that suggest gently focusing on the breath, the third eye, or the space slightly to the right of the heart, this meditation technique is a process of self-discovery in which you observe your own experiences while participating in them as they occur.
As humans, we are biologically programmed to think ALL THE TIME. With kindness and compassion toward ourselves, we begin to develop the witness consciousness. We begin to experience “Ourselves” as the “Observer” of our experiences, feelings, thoughts, emotions and our ego, the map that we have constructed to make sense of our reality.
Meditation is not a technique but rather a state of mind that follows the development of single focus. It does not require or exclude any spiritual beliefs at all, and does not teach any belief about god or the universe, but instead provides a platform for allowing the experience of your own truth to arise.
The practices of both yoga and meditation are not about teaching blind faith or mandating certain behaviors but lead you to potentially transformational experiences. If nothing else, they are a process of rewiring the brain to create space between experience and action or response. There is endless wealth in these rich practices.
In any case, the objective is to bring our usually outward focus inward, and unify body and mind, developing strength of focus, and beginning to find the spaces between the thoughts.