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An Angel in Its Midst, Hospice House of Western North Carolina

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The Hospice House Foundation of Western North Carolina has an angel in its midst, and that is Michele Alderson.
Michele is one of the founders of the organization and President of the Board of Directors. An inpatient hospice facility in our area was the collective dream of hospice volunteers, hospice medical directors, and business folks and was established in 2005.
Why was this so important to Michele?
“That’s easy,” she said. “My brother died at the age of 52. He was a Vietnam Veteran and died of cancer, and we were so lucky to have him in a hospice inpatient setting. Our family witnessed firsthand the love and compassionate care that a hospice team exhibits to patients and their loved ones at end of life.”
That led her to become a hospice volunteer herself, in 2002.
“I saw how many hospice patients and their loved ones could be benefited by an inpatient facility in our community,” she said. “Other than my loved ones, being a hospice volunteer and working for the foundation’s mission is the best thing that has ever happened in my life.”
The goal is to raise $4.9 million of which $3.1 million has been raised. They can break ground the summer of 2018 when an additional $850,000 is raised, and start receiving patients in 2019.
The foundation holds three Charity Dining events each year to raise funds, one in Highlands, one in Cashiers, and one in Franklin.
Michele is quick to point out, that she alone is not responsible for the foundation’s successes to date, that besides her board and the generosity of the community, she would like to give credit to founding member Evie Byrnes of Highlands, who passed away in 2016.
Michele says, “Evie was a tremendous help and supporter. She worked tirelessly for our mission and was a dear friend. We all miss her dearly.”
To learn how you can be a supporter of the Hospice House Foundation of WNC Inc., visit them online at hhfwnc.org or call them at (828) 524-6375.