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Joint Health
Written By: Dr. Sue Aery - Aery Chiropractic & Acupuncture | Issue: 2019/01 - Winter
Joint health is more important than we realize.
Our joints in the body serve us in many ways. They allow movement, in many directions, provide balance and coordination, and provide the very necessary motion that drives our circulation – our life force.
Without good joint health, we cannot thrive in life. Once a joint is compromised, whether from an injury, surgery, or just lack of use, our life becomes compromised. We become more and more sedentary, thus bringing on the potential of disease and rapid aging. I will often see a patient in my office that has abused an injury, letting it go far too long without use and without treatment.
The road back is a long one, but one that is necessary for a full life of movement and vitality. Don’t forget the circulation component of all joint movement. If you don’t move, the heart doesn’t have to work very hard and it becomes lazy, too. Once you begin moving again, putting demands on the heart muscle, the whole body responds in a positive way. Your muscles become more limber, the brain gets its necessary food and your digestion improves as well.
Slower aging and daily moving go hand in hand. Too many of us go through the aging process and forget this vital piece. If you continue moving, you will also have better balance, coordination and confidence. Don’t forget about your bone density. Healthy joints help with better bone density.
Start by getting out and walking each day – try to make it 30 minutes a day and build from there. Find a buddy to walk with, it makes it easier and you will be more accountable. If pain is a deterrent, get in a pool and walk there. You may be dealing with increased inflammation in the body so eat clean foods and add natural antioxidants. Eliminate all processed foods, refined sugars and white products
You can feel better and build healthy joints again. Movement is life and life depends on movement. Make it a priority!