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Smitten is Growing
Written By: - NONE - | Issue: 2016/08 - August | Photograph By: Marjorie Christiansen Photography
Having a garden on Main Street has been something of a joy to Annelize, Bonnie and Kat – the ladies of Smitten.
David Sims and his crew from Highlands Lawn and Garden have done a spectacular job of providing the unique gallery with splashes of exquisite color for every season.
This spring it occurred to Annelize, Bonnie and Kat that, since Smitten is open seven days a week and enjoys great sun and rich soil, it’s the perfect spot for planting food.
Off to Highlands’s Lawn and Nursery the trio went. Thanks to expert advice, they came up with a fabulous combination of herbs and vegetables that would grow in the small space with high heat. A bundle of mountain laurel and rhododendron branches was woven into crazy tomato cages. Look carefully and you’ll find rusty birds, delicate butterflies and a mischievous cat residing in this playful garden.
Smitten is now reaping the benefit from four different kinds of tomato plants, six different pepper plants, basil (great for Annelize’s famous basil martini!) three kinds of oregano, chives, rosemary, thyme, delicious flat leaf parsley and variegated sage. The Smitten Trio has made batches of pesto, herb butters, and potato salad with the Greek oregano.
Naturally, the idea of growing food on Main Street surprises and delights people. There are grandparents teaching their grandchildren the names of the plants, visitors breaking off herbs for a taste or smell of freshness, little ones delighted in “finding” a hidden pepper or tomato, and people having their pictures taken sitting on the wall surrounded by the garden. At this time when there is so much sadness, Smitten is delighted to be part of making a good memory for life in Highlands.