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Bridal Veil Falls
Highlands, NC
Directions: From NC 106 in Highlands, drive 2.3 miles west on US 64; Waterfall GPS: N35.07180 W-83.22910
About: You can stroll behind the gentle cascade, easily the most photographed waterfall on the Plateau. For Romantics, Cherokee lore says that a woman who walks behind the waterfall in the spring will be married by the first snow.
Bridal Veil Falls is the first of many beautiful waterfalls in the Cullasaja Gorge near Highlands, North Carolina. There are many large waterfalls you can walk behind, but Bridal Veil Falls is one of the few you can actually drive your car behind! A short loop of pavement runs off the highway and behind the falls, allowing you to enjoy the waterfall without blocking traffic.
Bridal Veil Falls is a gentle cascade that, more than anything, resembles a delicate sheet of lace. But this little charmer’s name has a further allusion – according to Cherokee lore, a young woman passing behind its gentle shower in the spring would be married before the first snowfall of winter.
Difficulty: You can park your car in a little parking area and walk 50 feet.