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Carpe Diem Farms
Highlands, NC
Carpe Diem Farms is a place to discover, or perhaps rediscover, the still small voice within, that voice of inner knowing that so easily goes unheard in the din of daily life. Carpe Diem Farms is a place to be nurtured and to nurture oneself. It is a place for contemplation more that competition, meditation rather than agitation, a place to revive the spirit. It is a place to have fun, to laugh both on the outside as well as the inside. It is a place to remember how to play, how to let go and experience the joy of oneself and the enjoyment of others.
Carpe Diem is for men, women, children. It is for all ages. It is for individuals, couples, families, students and groups, including business groups. It is a sanctuary for humans and animals alike. It is for day use as well as extended stay. It is for those attending a specific program, or those who just want to escape from structured activities altogether. It is for anyone wanting to retreat from the noise and distraction of the outside world and experience the whisper of the wind in the woods.