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Drift Falls
Sapphire, NC
Directions: To get to this series of waterfalls, drive east from Cashiers on US 64 for 16.5 miles to Gorges State Park. Turn into the park and drive for .95 miles to the Visitor Center. Turn left and travel for .8 mile to the Grassy Ridge Parking Area. Drift Falls is easy to get to, just take the right fork of the trail at the summit of Turtleback Falls. Waterfall GPS N35.09343 W-82-96909
About: Drift Falls earns its name with its hypnotic gentle cascade, like it’s in no particular hurry. It used to be called Bust Your Butt Falls, like its Cullasaja River cousin. This tells you two things – that there have always been people dopey enough to ride its cascade into its treacherous pool, and that you were lucky if you emerged with only a bruised bum. Do not fall for its gentle beckoning.